Tag Archives: Elle Macpherson

New Music: Oh Land – “Son of a Gun”

Danish singer, Nanna Øland Fabricius, in New York City released her debut album March 15th.

Her music video, “Son of  Gun” is intriguing. With looks like Elle Macpherson, this singer has a whimsical voice. Reminiscent of Bjork, Goldfrapp, Oh Land brings her take on snappy, electro pop. The music video phases between dark and pink elements. I like the lights and the on-top-of-a-cloud feeling. The song itself it light, catchy, and slowly grows on you. I resisted at first, but I think what really got me was the xylophone. I love happy sounding instruments, and this song is airy enough to be in the background in a coffee shop, or played on a sunny drive to the beach.

Perhaps an album is worth a once over? What do think of the video and song?

Check out her website here: www.ohlandmusic.com

To view the music video, click on “Watch on Youtube”


Filed under New Music